Madison and Vine
Some of the most obvious product placements in TV shows and movies are technology placements. I often spot them using Samsung phones or IPhones. Cars are another advertisement that I can spot when I am watching shows. However, I also believe that there is an addition to this form of advertisement now that YouTube has became so widely known. Advertisers will now pay YouTube influencers to endorse their product in exchange for money. I am not sure if this falls directly under Madison and Vine or if it makes up a new category. Sometimes influencers will try and integrate the product into a video without mentioning that it is a sponsorship which I believe could fall under the Madison and Vine marketing strategy. However, most of the time they will create a portion of the video that is unrelated to the rest of the video that talks about the product. This is the most prominent example of Madison and Vine advertising in my life because it is the most obvious to me. Sometimes the product is so well disguised in the show that you cannot recognize it which takes away from the idea of advertising in the first place.
Product placement is only good if the product is portrayed well within the entertainment. I've watched so many shows and the use of Madison and Vine sometimes doesn't go well. I feel that the writers just make it obvious that this is an advertisment within the show, just to help the advertiser. There are times where the product is placed in a situation, where its actual purpose isn't being shown. So, the product isn't really being shown for what is worth, don't you think? Is that why they have turned to easier outlets like Youtube? Honestly, there are times though, where I don't even notice that there is an advertisment. If I see the product, I'll be like, "Oh she has the new Ipad", when the actor is using it on the screen. Madison and Vine has evolved overtime and the strategy has just become even more simple as the media evolves. Besides being used in commercials and on television, thee strategy is now being incorporated with social media. Whenever I am scrolling through my feed, a random advertisement will pop up, even if the account doesn't relate to the other accounts I follow. Social media has now given Madison and Vine the opportunity to make their own accounts and sell their brands more. Now, celebrities are being used to help endorse the product through social media. The celebrities I follow usually post about a product, boasting about how it has helped them and why it is great. But, do they actually use the product they are trying to help sell?